YOLO WHOLESALE CLOTHING by SayangPacar menjual pakaian wanita khusus serian , minimal order 1seri ( seri warna )
Grosiran Online..
Berbasic pengalaman di konveksi JEANS , sekarang kami mulai merambah ke konveksi busana
Barang di BLOG ini semua READY STOCK
SAYANGPACAR91 GROSIR merupakan wujud onlineshop pertama kami , yang awalnya dibuat oleh beberapa mahasiswa yang ditugaskan oleh dosen E business untuk mencoba berjualan via BLOGGER..
Langkah sukses SAYANGPACAR91 kini ingin kami kembangkan melalui nama YOLO WHOLESALE CLOTHING by SayangPacar91
Melalui MOTTO : YOUR SEARCH ENDS HERE kami ingin memberikan yang terbaik untuk semua customer :)
Dan karena kami tdk bisa selalu ONLINE di BLOG .. diharapkan para customer bisa mengikuti BLOG ini atau bisa ADD PIN BB kami untuk updater via BBM Group..
BBM Group available in 2 :
1.READY STOCK GRUP ( share pic hanya disaat barang baru masuk )
2.READY STOCK &PO GRUP ( share pic setiap hari )
Thanks & best regards ,
( your search ends here )
YOLO WHOLESALE CLOTHING by SayangPacar selling women's clothing special groceries , minimum order one series (color series)
Wholesale Online Yolo >>
basic experience in convection JEANS, now we start venturing into fashion convection
Items in this BLOG all is READY STOCK
SAYANGPACAR91GROSIR is a manifestation of our first onlineshop, which was originally created by a few students who are assigned by the lecturer E business to try to sell on BLOGGER ..
SAYANGPACAR91 successful step we now want to develop with the name YOLO WHOLESALE CLOTHING by SayangPacar91
Through MOTTO: YOUR SEARCH ENDS HERE we want to provide the best for all customer :)
And because we can not always ONLINE on BLOG .. The customer is expected to follow this BLOG or you can ADD our BB PIN for the updater on BBM Group ..
BBM Group available in 2:
1.READY STOCK GROUP (share pic only when new items come in)
2.READY STOCK & PO GROUP (share pic every day)
Interests for RESELLER? CONTACT US. now
Thanks & best regards,
(Your search ends here)
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